Wk 13 — Essay 2 — Art!

Gaby Gomez
3 min readNov 23, 2020


At the beginning of the semester I had a completely different view on art. I thought it was all about drawing or painting. When I first signed up for this class I thought the worst and that I was going to hate it since all i thought we were going to do was draw. We did draw a few things but they were things I enjoyed and slowly I learned that theres more to art than just drawings.

I started to notice and understand that art wasnt just about drawings or paintings. Theres a deeper meaning to that. Art can be anything you want. Besides drawings and paintings I realized that music can be art or even inanimate objects we use on the daily.

Now that I have learned more in this class to me art is anything that makes you feel any sort of emotion even if its happiness, sadness, fear, nostalgia etc.

My major is nothing related to art. My major is Psychology. As a Psychology major a career goal of mine is to become a therapist or a social worker. I would love to help kids with troubled families into a better and safer place. I believe the only time art will be useful is if I were ever to want to communucate with a child art like drawings can come into play. Children are harder to communicate with since they're still learning their emotions and within themselves so we could draw to express the emotions they are feeling.

As I leave art 110 I am sad because I feel like this was the class that was the most “active” i guess you can say because this is the class where most of people had their cameras on. But a way art can enrich my life is by admiring paintings. Theyre just so pleasing to the eye. I will never get tired of seeing them, they're so pretty they're so detailed super pleasing to the eye.

If artist were to dissapear off the earth our streets would be so boring. Our lives would be so boring as well. I feel like there would be no color nothing intresting to look at while were out and about. I would also feel like we would live in a world that would look almost like black and white since it would be so boring looking.

I neither disagreee nor agree with this because every single one of us has a diffrent persective on art. Just like you might think something is beautiful I might think its the worst thing ever created. Or vice versa. Point is that everyone is entitled to their own opinions so I cant agree nor disagree.

This semester I learned a few things about art. Theres much deeper meaning to art it jut isnt about drawings or paintings. It saddens me I wont have this class anymore because as i said previously it was the most “active” class since a variety of students had their cameras on but at the same time It excites me that the semester is over. It only means im getting closee to pursuing my carrer. Also I get to meet new people and new teachers. Overall I really enjoyed this class it was fun while it lasted!

