Wk 13 — Art Activity — Portfolio Research

Gaby Gomez
2 min readNov 29, 2020
  1. Director of Employee and Labor Relations

My job here would be to be in charge of senior human resources management position with responsibilities for managing a multi-faceted agency/corporate-wide employee and labor relations program for an organization employing 500 or more employees.

Working here would start me in a position where I have the ability to meet new connections and possibly find a better job or if anything move positions to a higher rank.

2. Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation

My job at the Federal Bureau of investigation as someone with a Psychology major would be to analyze the behavior of criminals. Adding to that as I would critique their behavior I will be providing insights to co workers to help solve a crime or for future cases help them understand the motives in a deeper sense.

This job sounds ideal to what I want to do in the future. Not only would my skills be applied while working here its also an ideal space to branch out and have new connections in case if I ever want to switch to another job where I can see myself doing better.

3. U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services Officer (Case Manager Experience)- United States Probation and Pretrial Services

My job here would be to Conduct investigations and prepare reports for the court with recommendations, which requires interviewing defendants and offenders and their families, as well as collecting background data from various sources. An integral part of this process is the interpretation and application of policies and procedures, statutes, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedures, and may include U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, Monographs, and relevant case law. Also to add onto that I would Schedule and conduct drug use detection tests and DNA collection of defendants and offenders, following established procedures and protocols. Maintain paper and computerized records of test results.

This job sounds ideal for my future as well because its very intresting and its an amazing job to work for. My degree would be applied in the sense that I can see the motive as to why the criminal did what they did or just see the reason as to they are the way they are.

Tracey Hefter https://www.traceyhefter.com

Andy Puddicombe https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/get-some-headspace/201309/shared-experiences

Richard Ezpinoza http://www.drrichardespinoza.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqo3-BRDoARIsAE5vnaLzynqSXZuK_YYRdkB4VNbwJCCNDcEB2hADnEI29cH-875SYU5dlyUaAojKEALw_wcB

These three psychologist share their expirence on whats its like working in the Psychology field. Also we get to see their sites and see how they work now that everything is over zoom.

If i were to create a website I’d want it to be straight to the point and not complicated at all. Need therapy? OK click here and so on so on. If youre looking for therapy youre not in the right state of mind to be dealing with complicated things thats the least of your concerns. Also Id make it an easy, quick and short process because no one likes to spend a long time setting up and appointment.

